The signs, the signs make the time go by. They are so prevelant that you cannot, not stop. After 300 miles you have to know what this drug store really is all about. Beth and I did not ignore the call of Wall; we traveled in avid anticipation of what we might find there. We were not disappointed. We rode a giant jackalope. We took our pictures with ceramic figures of show girls. We ate lunch and strawberry rhubarb under tiffany lamps and along side every cattle brand sign known to man. We saw the cheesiest of touristy gifts and enjoyed watching the myriad of people from all over the world take in what Wall had to offer. We bought post cards and a bobble head jackalope who we have named Ernie. Ernie will travel with us as our mascot so keep an eye out for Ernie in all our travels!!
There are no words to really discribe Wall Drug. It is an experience that captures the west, the tourist, traditional lifestles of South Dakota, and the new global community. It is worth seeing, if not for its excentricity then at least for the free bumper stickers and ice cold water.
Oh yeah, the call of the Wall. I hear that. Love ya
Man those ceramic show girls are HOT!!! You girls are fun....glad to see you are on your way now! I'm looking forward to pictures of bobble head Ernie!:o)
The showgirl sitting with Betsy looks very little like a girl... anyone??
"the call of the Wall"..... Oh that is funny! Great pie pic!
Keep up the good work.
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